Here you can find in real-time (no need to reload the page) the number of users that used the glitch chat since




List of events (show)

Event ID Description
test-callback -
clear used the /clear command
superrickroll used the /bot superrickroll command
sentmsg sent a message
new-user is a new user
command-fail the /bot command failed
rickroll used the simple /bot rickroll command
game opened a game
report-home used /report
badbot called the bot bad
botthanks thanked the bot
dice sent an message with "dice"
bot-help used /bot help
bot-home typed /bot
null-msg send an null message
show-menu show panel
hide-menu hide panel
whois used whois
quote asked for a quote
version used the old /bot version command
version-X.X.X has version X.X.X
change-opt changed codeMirror options ("/setOption X X")
modsend a moderator sends a message ("sentmsg" is also triggered)
meet used the /meet feature
is-unclean sent a message that has been refused
afk sent a message with AFK
homepage-visit visited homepage
homepage-hwclick clicked on the features button on the homepage
homepage-stw-modal opened the "spread the word" modal on the homepage
choose-deadsimple Choosed the "dead simple" javascript app